Spoil Islands: What are they?
Spoil islands are small patches of land made up of sand, rocks, trees, and even mangroves.
Many spoil islands dot the ICW (intracoastal waterway) throughout Brevard county from just north of Mims, FL all the way south to just above Sebastian FL.

While some are small and unapproachable by boat, many are ideal for spending the day with family and friends. Some of our best boating experiences have centered around spoil island camping for the weekend or just daytripping for the entire day.
Spoil Island Fun:
These Florida gems make a fantastic destination by boat that is sure to please the entire family.
Kids will surely have no shortage of cool stuff to explore and find from animal life / habitat, hidden trails, fishing from the banks, and some even have exposed sandbars that extend almost all the way to the ICW channel.
At any moment you can see porpoises jumping and feeding on baitfish and a wide variety of pelican and herons getting their dinner.
Boaters will appreciate the ease of accessibility. While protected by the various treelines and shapes, you will certainly be able to find an anchoring that is protected from wind or swell. In some cases, you might just as easily put it on the beach and unload your gear.
Also, the vast assortment of boat ramps on both sides of the ICW allow for easy launching and quick trips to whichever island you pick as your favorite.
We have one or two spots that we take friends to regularly in our boat, but we would encourage you to check out as many as possible. Each spoil island has it’s own unique features and character.
Set up for the day with chairs, sunshade, coolers, and even a portable grill. Let the pace slow, put a line in the water, and watch the sun move across the sky.
The day is yours and so is the island that you inhabit (even if just for the day). Stake your claim early, stay for the sunset, and look forward to your next spoil island adventure.
Find Them:
For those of you who want to plan your next trip to one of the many Brevard spoil islands, check out this resource. It will helpyou locate some spots that are right for you. Note the “BC” numbering system for the Brevard islands.
Stay in touch with us for future posts about weekend camping on Florida’s beautiful spoil islands.
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