Lake Conway Sandbar Raft-up Saturday

Lake Conway EveningOur Thursday evening cruise was a success as all repairs to the boat are completed (for now).

The evening ride was great, but we miss the weekend  gathering at the Lake Conway Sandbar

Because we commute from our home in Cocoa during the week, we try to avoid driving back into Orlando on the weekends.

But this weekend’s forecast is for awesome weather and we’re looking forward to hanging out with our lake friends.

A Saturday trip to the sandbar is just what we need.

Lake Conway Sandbar Saturday:

Jennifer and I made it to the ramp around 9 a.m. and slipped into our favorite spot at the sandbar early before the masses arrived.

We took advantage of the short-lived solitude by wading around the balmy 65 degree water and thinking about how much of a “community” this place has been.

Our son basically grew up out here and knows everyone on the lake by their boat!

Lake Conway Sandbar

The water was clear and as beautiful as ever, and one by one just like clockwork, the boating family of Lake Conway began to show up.

Before we knew it, the raft-up had begun and everyone was happy that we were back.

Swapping stories, cooking on the grill, swimming in the lake, and just spending time with old friends was the order of the day.

Jennifer and I had such a good time and we’re looking forward to the summer months that will bring so much more of the same.

Thursday night boat rides will still be the norm on Lake Conway, but there are so many places out there for us to visit by boat and this year starts with a weekend trip to the Silver Glen Spring.

We hope you’ll catch our next post on the Springs trip and please leave a comment and subscribe below so we can keep you updated on our travels.

“See you on the water!”